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Foods to reduce StressTeaTea comes in a variety of flavors. The best ones that I found that seem to work the best is chamomile and anything caffeine free containing some kind of mint, spearmint or peppermint. The latter is also used to calm the stomach of pains or irritation that could be caused by stress. Use In Moderation Or Avoid Alcohol, Tobacco, And CaffeineMany people smoke tobacco and many people don’t know that consuming an excessive amount of caffeine or alcohol, especially close to bedtime, is probably wreaking havoc on their stress levels. Alcohol, caffeine and nicotine all affect sleep negatively. If you’re not getting good quality sleep, then there is no way you are going to be able to deal with stress effectively. So, if stress is really getting to you and you partake in any or both of these things, it might be best to eliminate or at least quit several hours before hitting the sack. Supplements/ VitaminsThere are so many supplements out there that I could not possibly name all of them, however, there is a few that I would like to mention. Stressful times deplete the body of certain vitamins and minerals and should be replaced. Here are some of the things you may benefit from:
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